Sunday, November 25, 2012


Let the SPIN begin. The word doctors are busy weaving the happenings of the last forty-eight hours, into their own palatable ball of wool. Let's be fair to the journalists of today, aren't they at their best when they're taking the facts, twisting and turning them into the expected and desirous case. No longer is being a "reporter" about collecting and disseminated the truthful and accurate happenings of the event, instead being a journalistic writer is about molding and shaping the "facts" into a "sound byte sculpture" that meets the expected terms of the establishment's agenda. Using vernacular of the twenty-first century, this is what's known as the main stream press.

I fully expect the news reporters, broadcasters, pundits, and professional bloggers to come out in droves with their own explanation of what has happened on the floor of the US Supreme Court during the last three days. And if you are well informed and have a modicum of common sense, what you hear will be something significantly different than what you thought you observed. A coach will often say that it's the talent of the athletes that makes coaches appear smart. I suspect throughout the AP cubicles across America, the writers are bemoaning how the governments "athletes" performed less than adequate, or that their level of talent failed to meet their expectations. Never fear, that just means in order to make the "journalistic coach" look smart will take a bit more imagination and a greater challenge. From what I've seen and heard over the last decade, I am confident, the AP establishment is up to the challenge.

I predict, before the sun sets, the Spin will sound something like: even though the government attorneys that presented their oral argument to the US Supreme Court Justices appeared timid and unprepared, this was actually their intent. They hoped to establish themselves as "the underdog". And anyone who enjoys competition of any sort, appreciates the courage of the "underdog", and generally finds themselves sympathetic to the overwhelming challenges they face. By appearing meek and unpolished, they actually found favor with the Court and with America. Their tactics, though unconventional, were genius. Doesn't an opportunity to take your case before the highest and most intellectual body in the land mandate unconventional and unique? When one ponders all of the thousands of cases that have been argued before the Supreme Court, how many of these followed the conventional and predictable course. Not these courageous litigators, they developed a new, and refreshing tactic, to come across as humble, even self-deprecating, which in turn displayed their brilliance. I fully expect to hear some of these statements before the day is over.

It will not surprise me in the least if the pundits claim that the public appreciates how the political establishment, generally reserved for the elite of our society, actually went into battle representing the everyday Joes who are unable to defend themselves? Isn't that what the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is all about, a willing and helpful government, whose benevolent purpose is to provide health care for all of those uninsured Americans who simply cannot help themselves? Aren't the attorneys who are arguing this landmark case before the highest court in the land, no different than David slinging a few health care stones at the mighty Conservative and uncaring Goliath who doesn't understand or care about those poor Americans who, at no fault of their own, are uninsured? Isn't that what this is all about, these uninsured underdogs of our society being shut out of hospitals, and being denied medical care because of their pre-existing conditions? Isn't this about all of the less fortunate citizens throughout America, who have been overlooked and ignored, until now? Thanks to a compassionate group of attorneys, who grasp the plight of the poor, the tired, and the forgotten forty million uninsured Americans, their one small voice will be heard loudly before the US Supreme Court. And that's why their methods, though unorthodox, are genius, because they show us all that they truly get it. This is what I fully expect to hear before this day ends.

Yes, I fully expect the Spin doctors to begin explaining to the well-informed silent majority that the appearance of timidity and the lack of preparation was actually the intent, and that we will be surprised at just how effective this technique was. And, if we let our guard down for even a second, we may realize, whether intentional or by accident, that the overall effect of the past three days did serve a valuable purpose for the current administration, it managed to lower the bar, even if only a bit. And it gave the supporters of the PPACA a huge gift; it took the entire onus for providing health insurance directly off of their own shoulders and shifted the onus directly upon the shoulders of the other team.

And, if the Court unexpectedly declares that the health insurance mandate is indeed unconstitutional, then the supporters will immediately claim that the uncompassionate conservatives don't care about the uninsured and less fortunate of our society. And unfortunately, this argument will likely stand, as long as we continue to ignore and deliberately refuse to engage in the discussion about the actual issue facing America, and it isn't whether our underdogs should be required to purchase health insurance. The discussion we've failed to have, the question we've refused to answer as a society, is whether or not health care is a right or a privilege. And since we have passed directly over this discussion, like spectators at a sporting event, we will continue to be entertained by the performers in the ring, both the favorites, and the underdogs.

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